- Avoid spraying perfumes on them.
- Wipe them gently with a soft cloth after wearing, before storage.
- Store silver jewellery in a air tight container or ziplock bag when not in use, to avoid tarnishing of bright sterling silvers. Preferably place some drying agent inside to keep away moisture.
Items you need:
Soap solution (a blob of hand soap with water) *not pictured
1 heap tablespoon of table salt
1 mug of hot water
A bowl lined with aluminium foil OR an aluminium foil baking tray
A pair of chopsticks or any stick
Your silver jewellery
- Wash your jewellery in some soap solution and set aside.
- Make a concentrated salt solution with regular table salt and hot water.
- Line some aluminium foil in a bowl and place your jewellery on top of the foil. (or recycle a disposable aluminium foil baking tray.)
- Pour the hot solution over the jewellery and foil.
- Let it stand and agitate it a bit with the chopsticks.
- Silver jewellery will be clean and shiny in a few minutes!
- Remove from solution using the chopsticks, rinse with tap water and leave to dry completely.
- For stubborn stains, put it back into the salt water bath again and repeat pt 5 to 7.
* Do not do this on oxidized silver jewellery unless you want to remove all the oxidation (blackened parts which are part of the design)!